1. Can I really post without sign up?

    Yes. We believe everyone should be able to express themselves without worrying being identified. You can post and comment without an account.

  2. How to modify or identify my posts without login?

    Every visitor, login or not, will be assigned a random name which is valid for 24 hours. Within those 24 hours, you can edit your posts / comments without sign in.

  3. What’s the benefits of registering?

    With an account, you will have access to much more features, including always be able to modify your posts, option to post with your assigned rotating random names, build up reputation, create bookmarks to collect articles, order your own articles into different bins and many more…

  4. Is this a blog or a forum?

    It’s both. With its support on markdown, sophisticated technical reports can be written with math equations, chemistry formulas, code highlighting. Twitter and YouTube videos could be embedded. With its cryptonym system, every visitor could be involved in the discussion without an account.

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